Terms & Drills
Bokuto ni yoru Kendo Kihon Waza Keikoho
STARTS at 20:00
1. Reigi with bokuto/shinai (no men/kote): 3 mins
Seiretsu: line up
Seiza: sit down (kneeling).
Shisei-o-tadashite: correct your posture
Mokuso: meditation
Shomen ni rei: Bow to the head wall
Sensei ni rei: Bow to the teacher saying "Onegaishimasu: Please train with me."
Otagai ni rei: Bow to each other. to the front saying "Onegaishimasu : Please train with me."
Kiritsu: stand-up
2. Make a circle/ Warm up: 5mins
- make a circle and stretching
- Sage-To: a position that we have our sword when we walk with it. We have our sword in our left hand and naturally hold it with the arm straight. The tsuka-gashira (the end of the grip) must be kept within your body. It should not be outside the body.
- Tai-To: wear your sword. lift your left hand to the hipbone. This is actually an imitation of a samurai who carries a sword. The tsuka-gashira should be in the center of your body. Lock your sword with the left thumb as shown below
- sonkyo: Crouching/squatting "En Garde" position
- Nuke-To: draw sword / *OSAME-To: withdraw your sword to taito position.
- KAMAE-te: take a posture, so take chudan.
-Chudan (no kamae)
3. Bokuto suburi - 5mins
- Jogeburi: up-down swing. Big straight vertical cuts ending with kensen at knee level
- Naname-buri with hiraki-ashi*: Diagonal swing ending with kensen(end of sword) at knee level while using footwork to turn the body diagonally
- Tsuki: Thrust to throat guard
*Nidan uchi:
-Zenshin kotae men: continues straight men-striking while moving forward and backward.
-Zenshin kotai sayu-men: continues diagonal men-striking while moving forward and backward.
-Men-Uchi with Fumikomi
-Haya-suburi: fast-striking. Straight vertical cuts to head level while jumping forward and back
4. Bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keikoho (kihon keiko ho) - 10 mins (2 sets)
Kamae: everything is in chudan;
Metsuke: look at your opponents eyes;
Maai: all waza start from issoku-itto-no-maai* and the completion of each set finishes in YOKOTE*
Datotsu (strike): strike with the correct flight path, using the monouchi and pull up your left leg (hikitsuke). All strikes should be made in a single motion (ichibyoshi). Although the strikes stop just before the target, the student must be made to understand that they are cutting or thrusting with a sword;
ashisabaki: use okuriashi
kakegoe: call the name of the target area ie men, kote, do, or tsuki
zanshin: after striking return to chudan without a lapse in concentration.
*issoku-itto-no-mai: This is a basic distance in kendo and also ultimate distance in kendo. It is literally means one step and one cut
*YOKOTE: lower part of of kensaki (tip)
Kihon 1 – Ippon uchi no waza: Shomen. Kote. Do. Tsuki
Kihon 2- ni-san dan no waza: Kote-men
Kihon 3 – Harai-waza: Harai-men
Kihon 4 – Hiki-waza: Hiki-do
Kihon 5 – Nuki-waza : men nuki-do
Kihon 6 – Suriage-waza: kote suriage-men
Kihon 7 – Debana-waza: debana-kote
Kihon 8 – Kaeshi-waza: men kaeshi-do
Kihon 9 – Uchiotoshi-waza: do uchiotoshi-men
*2min break
5. Reigi - 3mins
Seiretsu : line up with Men/kote/shinai
Seiza : sit down (kneeling).
Mokuso : meditation
6. BASIC MEN-UCHI PRACTICE (5types) – 10 mins
1) Men-Uchi with no footwork: 4 times each
2) Men-Uchi with one big suri-ashi: 4 times each
3) Men-Uchi from a distance maai (Toh-ma): 4 times each
4) Men-Uchi from Shokujin-maai (touching shinai): 4 times each
5) Men-Uchi from Issoku-itto-no-maai: 4 times each
7. Kihon keiko ho (with shinai) - 10 mins
8. Kirikaeshi - 5mins (5times)
: Repeated combination of straight men striking and diagonal men striking
9. 30seconds one side ippon attack practice - 7mins *
10. Jigeiko(Free practice) - 30 ~ 50mins*
11. Kirikaeshi - 1mins (1time)
: Repeated combination of straight men striking and diagonal men striking
12. Reigi -3 mins
Seiretsu : line up
Seiza : sit down (kneeling).
Mokuso : meditation
Shomen ni rei :Bow to the head wall
Sensei ni rei : Bow to the teacher saying "Arigato gozaimashita"
Otagai ni rei : Bow to each other. normally to the front saying "Arigato gozaimashita"
Arigatou gozaimashita: thank you very much