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Terms & Drills


Bokuto ni yoru Kendo Kihon Waza Keikoho









STARTS at 20:00

1. Reigi with bokuto/shinai (no men/kote): 3 mins

Seiretsu: line up

Seiza: sit down (kneeling).

Shisei-o-tadashite: correct your posture

Mokuso: meditation

Shomen ni rei: Bow to the head wall

Sensei ni rei: Bow to the teacher saying "Onegaishimasu: Please train with me."

Otagai ni rei: Bow to each other. to the front saying "Onegaishimasu : Please train with me."

Kiritsu: stand-up


2. Make a circle/ Warm up: 5mins

- make a circle and stretching 

- Sage-To: a position that we have our sword when we walk with it. We have our sword in our left hand and naturally hold it with the arm straight. The tsuka-gashira (the end of the grip) must be kept within your body. It should not be outside the body.

- Tai-To: wear your sword. lift your left hand to the hipbone. This is actually an imitation of a samurai who carries a sword. The tsuka-gashira should be in the center of your body. Lock your sword with the left thumb as shown below

- sonkyo: Crouching/squatting  "En Garde" position

- Nuke-To: draw sword  / *OSAME-To: withdraw your sword to taito position.

- KAMAE-te: take a posture, so take chudan.

-Chudan (no kamae)


3. Bokuto suburi - 5mins

- Jogeburi: up-down swing. Big straight vertical cuts ending with kensen at knee level

- Naname-buri with hiraki-ashi*: Diagonal swing ending with kensen(end of sword) at knee level while using footwork to turn the body diagonally




- Tsuki: Thrust to throat guard

*Nidan uchi:



-Zenshin kotae men: continues straight men-striking while moving forward and backward.  

-Zenshin kotai sayu-men: continues diagonal men-striking while moving forward and backward.  

-Men-Uchi with Fumikomi

-Haya-suburi: fast-striking. Straight vertical cuts to head level while jumping forward and back 


4. Bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keikoho (kihon keiko ho) - 10 mins (2 sets)


Kamae: everything is in chudan;

Metsuke: look at your opponents eyes;

Maai: all waza start from issoku-itto-no-maai* and the completion of each set finishes in YOKOTE*

Datotsu (strike): strike with the correct flight path, using the monouchi and pull up your left leg (hikitsuke). All strikes should be made in a single motion (ichibyoshi). Although the strikes stop just before the target, the student must be made to understand that they are cutting or thrusting with a sword;

ashisabaki: use okuriashi

kakegoe: call the name of the target area ie men, kote, do, or tsuki

zanshin: after striking return to chudan without a lapse in concentration.

*issoku-itto-no-mai: This is a basic distance in kendo and also ultimate distance in kendo. It is literally means one step and one cut

*YOKOTE: lower part of of kensaki (tip)

Kihon 1 – Ippon uchi no waza: Shomen. Kote. Do. Tsuki

Kihon 2- ni-san dan no waza: Kote-men

Kihon 3 – Harai-waza: Harai-men

Kihon 4 – Hiki-waza: Hiki-do

Kihon 5 – Nuki-waza : men nuki-do

Kihon 6 – Suriage-waza: kote suriage-men

Kihon 7 – Debana-waza: debana-kote

Kihon 8 – Kaeshi-waza: men kaeshi-do

Kihon 9 – Uchiotoshi-waza: do uchiotoshi-men


*2min break


5. Reigi - 3mins

Seiretsu : line up with Men/kote/shinai

Seiza : sit down (kneeling).

Mokuso : meditation



6. BASIC MEN-UCHI PRACTICE (5types) – 10 mins

1) Men-Uchi with no footwork: 4 times each

2) Men-Uchi with one big suri-ashi: 4 times each

3) Men-Uchi from a distance maai (Toh-ma): 4 times each

4) Men-Uchi from Shokujin-maai (touching shinai): 4 times each

5) Men-Uchi from Issoku-itto-no-maai: 4 times each


7. Kihon keiko ho (with shinai) - 10 mins


8. Kirikaeshi - 5mins (5times)

: Repeated combination of straight men striking and diagonal men striking


9. 30seconds one side ippon attack practice - 7mins *


10. Jigeiko(Free practice) - 30 ~ 50mins*


11. Kirikaeshi - 1mins (1time)

: Repeated combination of straight men striking and diagonal men striking


12. Reigi -3 mins

Seiretsu : line up

Seiza : sit down (kneeling).

Mokuso : meditation

Shomen ni rei :Bow to the head wall

Sensei ni rei : Bow to the teacher saying "Arigato gozaimashita"

Otagai ni rei : Bow to each other. normally to the front saying "Arigato gozaimashita"


Arigatou gozaimashita: thank you very much




In2Sports (Canary Wharf)

40 Harbord Sq,

London E14 9QH


Mulberry Sports Centre 

Richard St, Shadwell.

London, E1 2JP

GGCB sports hall

George Green's School,

100 Manchester Rd

London E14 3DW

+44 (0)7984033393     

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